Straight Hemp: Straight Hemp CBD Balm


Straight Hemp balm is the best way to soothe a joint or get local area relief. Straight Hemp CBD Balm (formerly Straight Hemp Salve) is the only product we offer that contains ingredients other than hemp. Specially formulated to achieve maximum topical transmission, and blended with a range of other healing ingredients, our full spectrum CBD salve is formulated to create a rich entourage-effect advantage.


Coconut oil*, hempseed oil*, olive oil*, apricot oil, sunflower oil*, almond oil, beeswax, distilled water, magnesium, lavender, rosemary*, eucalyptus*, camphor, peppermint, basil*, pine, arnica, lemongrass*, frankincense, myrrh, tea tree, ginger, birch, clove, aloe, kosher USP glycerine*, full spectrum hemp extract, leucidal SF complete, rosemary extract, grapefruit seed extract. *Organic


None specified
Straight Hemp CBD Balm
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