Parabel USA

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Parabel has made a breakthrough discovery in extracting plant protein from water lentils for use in foods for functional and nutritional benefits. The crop has the highest yield per ha of all crops including GM soy.

 LENTEIN - which is the brand name of the water lentil protein - has the highest levels of Essential Amino Acids and BCAA of all plant protein and has a protein digestibility (PDCAAS) score of .93 

 With a minimal environmental foot print, the crop doubles its biomass every day and it is also harvested every day. Zero water, carbon or arable land used.

 Lentein is said to be the world’s most complete food source and is already a staple food in South East Asia. Recently Parabel’s Lentein received the FDA GRAS no objections letter and also approval from Health Canada.


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